Teams of four will tee-off at 10:00 a.m. YCF Co-Chairs invite all members to participate regardless of age. The cost to participate is $50/golfer. In addition to the registration fee, members are asked to bring a new, unwrapped toy to benefit Toys for Tots. Breakfast, box lunch, and beverages will be provided.
SPONSORSHIPS: Give your company recognition by signing up to be a Tee Sign Sponsor. For only $150 you will receive your company name on a sign placed prominently at the tee, inclusion on a sponsorship banner at the event, and acknowledgment in the Newsletter and West Virginia Construction News magazine.
TOY DONATIONS: Participants are asked to bring an unwrapped toy to benefit Toys for Tots. The YCF Toys for Tots Golf Scramble successfully collects dozens of toys each year for the United States Marine Corp Toys for Tots charity. We encourage all members to donate if they are able. Toys can be dropped off at the golf outing, or at the CAWV office at 2114 Kanawha Boulevard, East in Charleston. An Amazon Wish List is also available for you to purchase toys online and have them shipped to the CAWV office. To access the wish list, click here.
Friday Oct 18, 2024
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Friday, October 18, 2024
Little Creek Country Club
99 Fairway Drive
South Charleston, West Virginia 25303
Shelly Hartley
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